AoPS Academy Problem Solvers Contest
All students currently enrolled in an in-person AoPS Academy math class (Level 2 or above) are eligible to participate in the AoPS Academy Problem Solvers Contests. The contests are individual examinations where students can practice their problem solving skills and demonstrate what they have learned.
These contests will be held online through the AoPS Contest Portal. Contestants will need to log into the Contest Portal with their AoPS username and password.
Contests will be held at the following levels: Math Level 2, Math Level 3, Math Level 4, Math Level 5, Prealgebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Middle School Contest Math, and High School Contest Math (students taking Precalculus and Calculus will be eligible for the High School Contest Math contests).
- The Problem Solvers Challenge contest portal will be open from Friday, November 22nd, 2024 at 4:00 pm - Sunday, November 24th, 2024 at 4:00 pm
- This contest will consist of 15 questions to be answered in 40 minutes, plus 2 tie-breaker questions.
- The questions will include topics learned in the first 10 weeks of class.
- The Problem Solvers Showdown contest portal will be open from Friday, March 7th, 2025 at 4:00 pm - Sunday, March 9th, 2025 at 4:00 pm
- This contest will consist of 15 questions to be answered in 40 minutes, plus 2 tie-breaker questions.
- The questions will include topics learned in the first 20 weeks of class.
- Problem Solvers Championship will be open from Saturday, April 26th at 8:00 am - Sunday, April 27th at 8:00 pm.
- The top 4 students at each level will represent their campus in the national competition. These students will be determined by averaging the scores of the first 2 contests (or just the second contest score if a student enrolled after Week 10).
Students must be enrolled in an AoPS Academy math class at the time of each contest in order to participate. Students must have access to the online portal through their own device, and must take the contest within the designated window of time. Students must have a proctor who can sign to indicate that they watched the student during testing. No calculators or outside resources will be allowed during the contests.
Students who earn the top scores in each level during the Challenge will be awarded Amazon gift cards in the following amounts:
- 1st place - $50
- 2nd place - $25
- 3rd place - $15
- 4th place - $10
Students who earn the top scores in each level during the Showdown will be awarded Amazon gift cards in the following amounts:
- 1st place - $60
- 2nd place - $40
- 3rd place - $20
- 4th place - $10
For each of the first two contests, all students who score above the threshold score of 10 out of 15 will also be awarded a collectible prize!
The top four students in each level will be invited to represent their campus in the Championship. These top students will be determined by averaging the scores from the first two contests (for students who enroll after Week 10, ranking will be determined solely by the Showdown). National top scorers in the Championship will be awarded Amazon gift cards in the following amounts:
- 1st place - $100
- 2nd place - $75
The top-ranked campus will also win a trophy to display for the year and a plaque commemorating their win.
Students will be able to see their results 24 hours after the Academy Problem Solvers Contest window closes; leaderboards will be available one week later. Results for completed Problem Solvers contest rounds will be accessible approximately until a new contest round begins.
Students should go to the Contest Portal and click on the “View Results” button to see their own results.
How to Prepare for Contests
The best way to prepare for the contests is to go to your AoPS Academy math classes and do all of your assignments! For extra practice, check out the following resources:
- Math Level 2 - Math Level 5: Beast Academy Online (all lessons from the relevant weeks, including those which were not assigned)
- Prealgebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2: Alcumus (all topics which were covered during the relevant weeks)
- Middle School Contest Math: MATHCOUNTS Trainer and previous AMC 8 contests
- High School Contest Math: Previous AMC 10 and AMC 12 contests